MLRS - Military Library Research Service - was formed in May 2004 in response to a number of requests for reprints of important military books and manuals not reprinted by others. We specialise in military books, manuals. pamphlets and maps which are available as downloads.
We are always searching for copies of manuals and books that are of significant importance in the field. We do our own scanning, to ensure quality of output. We never compromise on the quality of our reproductions - even with the most faded or foxed originals. We aim to produce the cleanest copy you have ever seen with text and diagrams as well-reproduced as possible. Our special scanning system is in-house, and can also reproduce material which is oversized or badly marked or stained so that you can read it - the whole aim of the exercise.
We have as our main target the reproduction of important material, and to provide this material to you at the lowest cost to you.
David Westwood
1942 - 2016
RIPMLRS Books was set up by David Westwood. As technology made things easier, David realised that out of copyright books, maps and pamphlets about detailed
and technical elements of the 20th century wars could be made available to more people if someone got around to getting the resources scanned in the first
place. It helped that he knew what to look for, where it might be, and that he enjoyed searching for the rare and unusual.David's death was, to be honest, unprepared for, so he didn’t leave Everything neat and tidy! However, he left this website up and running, and
while you are still making use of it, it makes no sense to take it down. To make things easy, only downloads are available and prices are as published. All
payments are via Paypal. The catalogue will not be increased. Mistakes that David might have corrected, will have to stay (unless they are a software
glitch; David worked on AppleMacs).While we were married, I decided that one person with a phenomenal knowledge about the Second World War in any house was more than plenty, so I do not have
his knowledge of the subject or his sources. But if something isn’t quite right, let me know and I’ll see if it can be fixed.Ros Westwood
For MLRS Books
MLRS Books provide a download service for military historians and those interested in military history.
We specialise in primary source material and accounts which are assembled from such sources. We also publish new titles of specific interest in the field of military history and military genealogy.
MLRS Books offers a catalogue of resources via download only and
these are not printable. Should you want physical copies of our products, we
recommend visiting Caliver Books.
Payment is via Paypal, and prices are as quoted. Hopefully you will be pleased with your purchase,
however, do e-mail if it isn't and we'll try to fix it.