The text of the Montgomery lecture to RUSI made in October 1945 on operations by 21 AG in Europe 1944-1945. The author makes no mention of the problems he created for the Supreme Commander General Eisenhower and to the British Prime Minister Mr Winston Churchill! It is a smoothing exercise, intended to cement his position as the most senior British soldier of the time. It does however paint the broad picture and is a useful introduction to the operations to rid Europe of Hitler and his cronies by defeating the German Army in the west.
LtGen Feuchtinger commanded 21st Panzer Division twice, the second time from May 1944 to January 1945. This is his account of the division in action against US troops from D-Day to the end of his second command priod. He details the organisation of the division, and then covers various operations from first engagement on 25 July 1944. It is a valuable account of the operations of a crack German tank division at the end of the war, and great reading!
A history of the Headquarters of 1 Abne Army, which, although American commanded, included British and French Airborne Forces in its OrBat. It gives details of the organization and changes, and the operations planned and actual (including Market and Varsity). A good insight into Allied airborne doctrine in the last year of the war.
The British Army had its "Notes from Theatres of War" - this is the American equivalent and is a compilation of lessons learned in the Italain Campaign. It is primarily aimed at soldires not staff officers, and is the more interesting for that reason. It covers all arms and services and contains many vignettes of action as well as military solutions. It reads easily and is of great value to students of the war in Italy - especially at soldier level. It is also of value in assessing the conduct of the campaign at ground level and as such of use to war gamers.Recommended.
This may be short but it is full of important detail about 30 Corps and its progress from Normandy to North Germany in 1944-1945. The real attraction comes from the textual clarity and the 46 coloured maps which illustrate every significant move or operation. MLRS already publishes a more detailed history ("Club Route in Europe") but this book lies side-by-side with its companion, giving more detail and the additional benefit of the extremely clear coloured maps.
British Forces in the Mediterranean were thin on the ground in 1941. Greece had fallen and the evacuated troops were moved to Crete. Here on 20 May the Germans launched Operation MERCURY to assault and capture the island with parachute, air-landed and amphibious troops. This was the first mass parachute operation of the war, and for the Germans, the last, although victory was theirs in a very short time. This report is fundamental to an understanding of the Battle for Crete and was compiled with access to General Freyburg and many other members of the defeated forces. The importance of this report cannot be over-emphasised.
This is an analysis of the three major airborne operations in northwestern Europe during World War II. Operations Neptune (D-Day), Market (Arnhem landing) and Varsity (Rhine crossing) are all covered in detail with statistical analyses of troops and aircraft/gliders involved.
It presents a first class picture of the three operations, and shows why they were planned and how they were carried out. In all cases there is an account of post-drop operations on the ground.
This account supplements the detail given in our other publications on these three drops: "D-Day I Corps", "Operation Market Garden" and "Battlefield Tour: Operation Varsity".
Well illustrated.
Highly recommended.
The Allied invasion at Anzio was intended to open up the stalemated Italian front and lead to a rapid drive on Rome. The German High Command was hampered by the surrender of Italy in September 1943, and Field Marshals Kesselring and Rommel had to decide where to make their main line of resistance. Kesselring took overall command in Italy in November 1943. Allied landings at Salerno began well, but became bogged down; the landing at Anzio was intended to solve this logjam. The accounts of the action from January to May 1944 are taken from the War Diaries of the German 10th and 14th Armies. There is a day-to-day account of the German operations, including many comments on the British and US troops involved. Complete with Orders of Battle, this is a singular document which completes the picture of this battle. With six A2 maps from the original edition of the paper.
Just occasionally we are able to reprint something of such scarcity that it stands alone on our list. This publication is such an item: it covers 11 armour actions in Italy, and is accompanied with maps of each engagement plus sketches and photographs (albeit of varying quality). The actions run from the Hitler Line to Operation "Cygnet," and include such units as 51 R Tks, 7 Hussars, 46 Recce Regt and others, including the 18 NZ Armd Regt. Each action has a short account by a participant, and the whole is one of those rare gems that occasionally surface. We cannot recommend it strongly enough.
The German tactical system was based on the assumption that well-trained subordinates were given their tasks, and they were competent to work out the best way for them to achieve the aim. The author looks at this method and examines why it proved problematic to institute the same system into the US Army. The paper is well worth reading for the examination of the German method as well as the reasons he gives for the failure to implement the system completely into the American forces.
This valuable pamphlet relates how Hitler planned the invasion of Russia with his General Staff, and what happened in 1941 and 1942.
The whole operation meant that inevitably Germany would lose the war, although Hitler could not see this at the time.
The narrative covers the period up to the opening phase of the Battle for Stalingrad and is complimented by our map file on Operation Barbarossa.
The pamphlet includes a list of the main German military leaders and a chronology of events. There are also four Orders of Battle at different times and a diagram of the German chain of command.
This is an analysis of the German art of war at the start of World War II. It covers operations by German troops in Spain, Poland, Norway and the Low Countries and demonstrates how the Germans used the combined arms aproach to win the early battles of the Second World War.
It deals in detail with the tactics of Blitzkrieg and the elements of the style - the air arm, armour and artillery. It also looks at what are now called battlegroups as well as offering valuable advice of defence against Blitzkrieg.
This is a very important work which explains how the German method worked and what was needed to make it work.
With a foreword by Tom Wintringham, who fought in Spain.
The US Military Attaché in Berlin was able to observe the German military operations in Poland, the Low Countries and France in 1939 and 1940, and reported back to Washington with his comments. These are the 30 reports he sent, covering the invasions of Poland and France, but also giving a lot of detail on the tactics and equipment of the German Army, together with material on other armies, and a wealth of information on aspects of the German Army rarely seen elsewhere. Any student of the German Army in the Second World War will want a copy of these reports (30 in all) to fill in hitherto little known information and background. Highly recommended.
Operation GOODWOOD - the official account. This publication is a reprint of the original (CAB44/249) papers on Operation GOODWOOD in July 1944 - the armoured thrust south of Caen to the Bourgebus Ridge. It contains detailed orders at Army Group, Army and Corps level, and deals with every detail needed to understand this battle. Originally produced after the war as the basis for the later Official History, this volume contains many items not included in the later official publication, and clarifies many points not dealt with anywhere else. It contains a complete description of the battle, using unit war diaries as well as command records of the battle, and the German response to the attack. The price includes reprints of the 14 original maps which accompanied the document, and all are produced at a size to allow ease of reading - most are at A3. The publication is the only source of the details of the battle from the point of view of the British and Canadian forces engaged, and is perfectly suited to research, presentations and wargaming scenarios.
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