The Waffen-SS: an organisational and operational history 1933-1945. This reference text contains details of all Waffen-SS units and formations that saw service in the period 1933-1945. It goes down to battalion level, and includes officers commanding. Also included are the earlier formations and units which later became the notorious SS divisions that earned such an awesome reputation as fighting forces in the Second World War. Complete with contemporary intelligence reports and organisations of Waffen SS Armies and Corps, this is the first complete record of these troops in English. Available also as a CD Rom with the same contents, but searchable in Adobe Acrobat. Same price.
The US Army had so many vehicles and vehicle types that without this manual it would have been difficult even in 1943 to know exactly what each one was, and what it was intended for. The manual covers everything from motor cycles to tanks, and every variation of those plus trucks, cars, tank transporters and others. Each vehicle has a two-page spread with a photograph, dimension drawings and details of the vehicles performance. Ideal for vehicle historians, war gamers, all those interested in vehicles (wheeled and tracked) and as a handy reference book for all those occasionally needing to know details of how the US Army moved during the Second World War. Very few additional vehicles appeared after the publication of this important manual.
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