The Eighth AAF’s strategic bombing mission #84 (the Schweinfurt-Regensburg raid on August 17th, 1943) and mission #115 (the Schweinfurt raid on October 14th, 1943) were tremendous setbacks to the daylight strategic bombing campaign of Germany. As a result of the heavy losses the Luftwaffe inflicted upon Eighth Bomber Command’s heavy bombers, the daylight strategic bombing campaign was halted for over four months. The Eighth AAF could not sustain such heavy losses, in both aircraft and aircrew, and remain an effective force. This paper examines the daylight strategic bombing doctrine before and after the Schweinfurt raids to answer the question “After the costly Schweinfurt raids, the Eighth AAF paused to reset its doctrine; how was this doctrinal change accepted and what were the implications?”
The somewhat dry title of this book does not do the contents justice, because it is about navigational aids (H2S, Gee, Loran, Oboe and Gee-H) as well as responder beacons, Rebecca/Eureka, combat warning systems, beam approach, ground controlled approach and wireless direction finding. Of the latter item there is a complete history, and the whole of these two volumes gives a detailed description of the development and use of the systems throughout the war. It is a valuable manual in all senses, and gives a clear picture of how aircraft located themselves and found the way to the target and back home.
The title is a rather dry one, but the subject matter is fascinating: the radar defences of Great Britain, the Chain Home system, Chain Home in France, RDF reporting during the Battle of Britain, RDF in the Middle and Far East, Chain Home Low and the centimetric wavelength radar and the use of radar in North Africa, D-Day, and against the V Weapons. The whole book looks at what was one of the most significant scientific defences of the United Kingdom throughout the war, and its tactical use abroad. This is a book not to be missed for its importance in the history of the Second World War.
Many readers will remember popular films showing fighter control rooms with worried controllers and pretty WAAFs pushing markers around a large map of the south coast of Britain. This book describes the reality and starts with sector control, Biggin Hill and radar in the Battle of Britain. Radar Identification from early days and aircraft interception follow, and the book ends with details of radar control from the 'Lamb' experiments through to radar control in offensive operations. A really good book on what could have been a very dry topic.
The RAF was engaged against the enemy in a number of theatres, some of which were the oceans. This is the story of the use of radar against enemy ships and particularly the German U-boat. The development of ASV/radar is covered from inception to centimetric radar, as are German conter-measures, and the involvement of the USA in the research and production is included. Although a technical subject, the author has managed to make the whole very readable and clear to the lay reader. Very important in any study of the war at sea.
This is a story of acronyms and codewords: "X-Gerät," "Knickebein," "Y-Gerät," and of the electronic warfare between the Germans and the UK during World War Two. The strength of the book lies in its detailed description of the problems and the solutions, and again the codewords flow: "tinsel," "Mandrel," "carpet" and many others. The electronic war was one that was fought by the scientific staffs of the respective combatants, and this book tells it as it was. Highly recommended. With 18 appendices and 14 diagrams.
Volumes I and II of the Signals series were combined into one volume. This two volume reprint looks at the organisation of 26 Group, 60 Group and the Signals Branch at the Air Ministry. One of the elements of C3I is "communication" and the speed of air operations and the need to get information from and to commands was (and is) fundamental to all operational command and control. The first volume deals with just that. The second volume deals with the telecommunications systems developed for RAF use throughout the war. Telecommunications were important for security reasons,: they were much less susceptible to interception (and remember that the Germans sent their most secret messages via teleprinter whenever possible). Although seemingly very ordinary, the story of these systems is all part of the electronic warfare of World War Two.
The importance of this report is twofold: firstly it covers the strategic/operational bombing effort in the important period before and during operations to recapture France and the Low Countries and secondly it classifies attacks by target type. Thus the targets covered include ball and other bearings, oil, submarine yards, tanks, armaments and transportation. It also includes both the USAAAF and RAF efforts. Attacks are dated, and the data includes place, importance, and damage done.Although obviously based to an extent on crew reports, all targets were photographed before, during and after the attack so it appears that the damage assessments are not too wide of the mark.
This is an account of tactical air operations carried out by the US 8 Air Force from D-Day to the end of the war in Europe. It relates what was done to support the ground operations on D-Day itself, and immediately thereafter. It then follows the campaign inland. It also covers general air operations, supply drops and operations against the V-bomb offensive, Operation Crossbow. Further details include attacks on radar installations, coastal batteries, air-sea rescue and leaflet drops. The appendices are detailed and give a statistical picture of Crossbow operations and anti-German Airfield attacks. A valuable addition to the land warfare papers on D-Day and subsequent operations already published by MLRS Books.
This is the complete story of German air/sea rescue operations during the Second World War. It covers the organisation, methods and changes made during the war and gives many details of operations carried out in waters over which the Luftwaffe passed on operations. Not all of the story is pleasant, and anti-air/sea aircraft operations by the Allies are covered in some detail. Albeit a non-aggressive task, this history makes good reading and is well worth buying, as it gives a greater dimension to German air operations than has been available before.
This volume of RAF operational history begins at the end of the Battle of Britain. It describes how the lessons learned from that battle were applied to the organisation of the RAF and defence systems in the UK, and also gives much detail on German strategy. It continues the story of the air war after September 1940 (and see Battle of Britain - published by MLRS) until the end of 1941, looking at enemy attacks on shipping, the expansion of the British fighter force, and the formulation of the concept of offensive fighter operations and activities in this sphere up to the end of 1941. Essential reading for all air historians.
When Mussolini sent his troops into Greece they received a drubbing from the Greeks. Britain sent troops and air forces to support the Greeks, and even though this may have been a mistake (in that it foreshortened successful operations in the Western Desert) it was important to show the Greeks and the world that resistance to dictators was important. This is the RAF narrative of the campaign and covers 1940 and 1941. The paper covers land operations by the Greeks as well as by other elements involved and is a good basis for any in-depth study of this campaign.
The difference between the campaign in Syria and all other campaigns was that the Allies were fighting the Vichy French, not the Axis powers. Tis is the story of how the RAF was used with ground forces to force a decision in favour of the Allies. An interesting campaign which deserves further study.
Air supply operations in Burma from 1942 to 1945. Includes details of supply to Wingate's expedition, Second Arakan Campaign, second Wingate expedition, Siege of Imphal, assault on Myitkyina, fly in at Meiktila, recapture of Rangoon, Gumption and Freeborn operations and air supply of the Battle of the Sittang bend.
This is the third volume in the Campaigns in the Far East series, and covers India Command from September 1939 to November 1943. The defence of India and Ceylon, expansion of the command and operations during the period are all chronicled. Operations include those during the retreat from Burma and in the monsoon period and in the First Arakan Campaign from December 1942 to May 1943. A prime source of information.
The history of air operations in South East Asia from November 1943 to August 1945. The narrative covers planning and strategy, the second Arakan campaign, the fight for air superiority, operations in Manipur in 1944 and in the Siege of Imphal, special forces operations, North Burma, strategic plans for 1945, the third Arakan campaign, operations in North Burma and the reconquest of Burma. Another of the first class historical records from AHB which all contain far more than just a bare history of RAF operations. Of prime importance to all scholars of this area of war. Complete with all the Appendices.
This is a complete history of German antiaircraft developments from 1906 to 1945. It traces the arm from anti-balloon weapons in 1906 to the high altitude guns and anti-aircraft rockets of 1944-45. It is a fascinating examination of what was an increasingly important arm within the German Forces in the Second World War, designed to defend Germany from the Allied Combined Bombing Offensive. There is a wealth of detail on the guns and rockets including much technical data. Although difficult to read in parts due to the low quality of the original, it will reward perseverance with a picture of German flak never before seen.
This is a complete history of the German Air Force from 1919 to the start of the Second World War. It covers the end of the old air force of World War I, and the rebirth of a new air force. The book covers the creation of a command structure and the actual build-up, at first secret, of a new German Air Force. The political considerations are also mentioned. The book includes not only aircraft, but signals and flak, meteorology and ground staff, and the aircraft industry in Germany between the wars. The final chapter looks at preparations for war. This analysis is exceptional, and will, for all readers, fill in a number of details and answer a number of questions. Highly recommended. [see also Rise and Fall of the Luftwaffe]
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