The first of a series of narratives describing the role of Bomber Command in the air offensive against Germany. This volume describes the background and origins of Bomber Command and preparations for war against Germany. Details are given of the expansion programme and equipment, and of bombing policy, plans for bomber command in war and the intelligence machinery set up for this purpose. The first part of a really important series of narratives.
This second volume of the narrative covers the organisation Bomber Command from 1939 to 1941, including HQ administration, the organisation in September 1939, reorganisation of training, supply problems, and the reorganisation of the command between 1940 and May 1941. The opening of the offensive is described together with operations in support of the Army in Norway and the Low Countries and France. The next chapters cover the anti-invasion phase and the book concludes with a description of the offensive against oil and morale.
This third volume in the series of AHB narratives on the RAF in the bombing offensive against Germany covers the period June 1941 - February 1942. The story continues with the need for area bombing, and the rationale behind what is now looked on as an error of judgement, but at the time was a matter of necessity if air bombing of Germany was to continue. A detailed study of the period, and very informative.
Volume IV of the Bomber Command narrative tells the story from March 1942 to January 1943, and is sub-titled "A period of expansion and experiment." Under Harris Bomber Command was expanding, and as near to autonomous as was possible. The most important strategic factor was that America was now engaged in the war, and Germany was the first target. Worth reading on its own as well as part of the series.
This manual was issued by the British Air Ministry in 1948, and is a complete and detailed history of the German Luftwaffe from concept to defeat. There is little that can be said about the book except that it is the best history possible and makes exceptionally good reading, covering all aspects of the Luftwaffe story with ample illustrations, maps and tables.
This book consists of two volumes, both written after the war by German Officers who were intimately involved in the subject, and who were recruited by the US Air Force to commit their memoirs and recollections to paper for future historical study. This is the first time these papers have been available in print outside the United States. This is a detailed account of Luftwaffe plans for its participation in the proposed invasion of England in 1940 - Operation Sealion. The role of the Luftwaffe was partly support for naval and land forces and partly interdiction and air combat against the Royal Air Force. The book gives a full account of how the Luftwaffe intended to carry out its tasks. It also looks at the military-political developments during the second half of 1940 and the postponement of the operation. There is in addition a critique of the operation itself and comments on the problems of the military command. An interesting picture of what might have been.
A complete history of the Royal Observer Corps from its advent in World War I to the end of the Second World War. Of great value to the social as well as the military historian. The Royal Observer Corps had the role of watching for enemy aircraft approaching the British Isles and reporting numbers and course to their RAF counterparts to give early warning of impending raids. The Corps served throughout the war, manned by civilians, whose reports were of singular value to the air defence of the United Kingdom.
This is the fifth volume of the Air Defence of Great Britain series. It is a comprehensive study of the way in which air supremacy was contested with the Luftwaffe and finally won. The narrative covers from when the threat of invasion was at its most dangerous, and goes on the relate the history of enemy low level attacks, the reducing scale of enemy activity, air defence in home waters and by both day and night over land, fighter offensives, anti-intruder operations at night, German strategy, and preparations for cross-Channel operations (including Operation Jubilee) and all other relevant aspects of the air war. Fundamental to an understanding of the development of air tactics and strategy in World War Two. It continues this important story right to the end of the war.
As the title explains this volume covers the methods used by the Luftwaffe to decide which targets to attack, and also gives many examples of the results achieved, in all operational theatres. Targets included those chosen in the battles for air superiority as well as support operations for the German Army and Navy. There is also a discussion of operational and strategic aspects, with many examples of mission assignments. This is a valuable addition to our other volumes in the Air War series, explaining the resaons for the many attacks the Luftwaffe made, and the sucessful or otherwise outcome.
The woman's role in war was recognised and formalised during the First World War, and the need for women to take on roles that allowed men to engage in the fighting was a significant manpower factor throughout the twentieth Century. The WAAF were not solely "airmen's comforts" - they filled many posts in which a woman's often surer or gentler touch was very effective, particularly in the medical trades within the RAF as well as in sector commands, as drivers, and in operations rooms and on intelligence staffs. This is the the ladies' story and it is worth reading. Covers all aspects of women's service conditions and in the theatres of war.
This is a complete record of all operations carried out by all US Air Forces during the Second World War. It is published in two volumes because of the sheer size of the original - 740 pages. Every air operation is described mostly with aircraft involved, aircraft that bombed targets and losses. Invaluable for all air historians.
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